Yes you can Send Empty Message on Whatsapp by just copy pasting the special empty character. Have you ever wanted to send a blank message on WhatsApp just for fun or to prank your friends? Normally, WhatsApp does not allow sending empty messages using regular spaces. However, there is a simple trick to bypass this restriction using a special Unicode character.
Why Can’t You Send a Regular Blank Message?
WhatsApp automatically removes normal spaces, so pressing the space bar multiple times won’t work. Instead, you need to use a special invisible character that appears as a blank space but is actually recognized as text by WhatsApp.
The Trick: Using Hangul Filler (U+3164)
The Hangul Filler (U+3164) is a Unicode character that acts like an invisible space but is not considered an empty message by WhatsApp. You can use this trick to send blank messages easily.
How to Send an Invisible Message on WhatsApp?
To make this process easy, we have created a simple tool. Follow these steps:
- Click the Copy Blank Message button below to copy the Hangul Filler (U+3164) character.
- Open WhatsApp and paste the copied character into the chat.
- Send the message—it will appear as blank!
Additional Uses of WhatsApp Blank Messages
Aside from WhatsApp, this trick can be used in other apps and platforms as well. Some common uses include:
- Sending blank messages on Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, or Snapchat.
- Creating an invisible username in certain games and apps.
- Using it as a placeholder text where empty input is not allowed.
Does this trick work on all devices?
Yes, this trick works on both Android and iOS devices as long as the app supports Unicode characters.
Can I send multiple blank messages?
Yes, you can copy and paste the blank character multiple times to send multiple blank lines.
Will WhatsApp block me for using this trick?
No, WhatsApp does not consider this as spam or a violation of its guidelines. It’s a harmless trick that simply utilizes Unicode characters.
Can I use this method in WhatsApp Web?
Yes, you can send empty message on on WhatsApp Web as well. Just copy and paste the blank character into a chat and hit send.
Is there any other Unicode character I can use?
While U+3164 (Hangul Filler) is the most commonly used character for this trick, you can also try U+200B (Zero Width Space) for similar results.
With this simple trick, you can easily send blank messages on WhatsApp without any third-party apps. Just copy the special character and paste it into your chat. Enjoy surprising your friends with this fun hack! Whether you want to play a prank, make a conversation mysterious, or just experiment with WhatsApp features, this method is easy, quick, and effective!